Me and Cobblestone back in the day at the ranch. I acquired Cobblestone from Linda Waltonspiel…..he was an advanced 3-Day...half Arabian half TB. He started his training as a Reiner….boy oh boy could we do a cool sliding stop to X....ha ha....much to the dismay of a couple judges....it was just too much fun to resist! Charles de Kunffy helped me with this horse and my metamorphosis from cowgirl to classical rider. Charles and Cobblestone were magic together. To sit on my horse after Charles was a gift I'll never forget. I have videos somewhere of Charles jumping Cobblestone cross-country at the end of the day at a clinic. Cobblestone was full of himself that day with me leaping cavalletti's in a single bound to which Charles said " my what an athletic horse" At day's end Charles asked if he might have a ride on him. I said "please....take him he's yours". He mounted and without so much as a hesitation Charles and Cobblestone were off galloping around the very cross country course I had struggled with, looking like they were in a hunter class. Every stride every fence was perfection. It was truly something to see. I knew I was witnessing a rare moment of a great horseman and a great horse. It took my breath away. Charles rode up hopped off and thanked me for the pleasure of riding Cobblestone and then with a twinkle and smile said to me "You know Ginny it's been 16 years since I jumped" Charles is my friend and mentor. He is one of the finest most gifted horsemen I've had the pleasure to know and ride under. The line...horses don't lie.....is the truth. And Cobblestone spoke the truth.
—Ginny Chase Elder
